The artist and the power of ideology
The artist and the power of ideology

Lars Vilks Memorial Wolter meant to say that if you want to know who rules you, consider whom you cannot criticise. This sentence seems to be a good motto for many contemporary artists whose activities focus on criticising various environments and entities, as well as...

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Passion for Freedom Exhibition Review
Passion for Freedom Exhibition Review

Unlike the many commercially minded NYC galleries, who adorn their white walls with art that is as confused in its concept as it is in its visual aesthetic. The Passion for Freedom exhibition that is now being held at the Seven House Gallery in Brooklyn is a...

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Why I don’t paint flowers
Why I don’t paint flowers

From Oppression to Expression: A Journey of Art and Liberation. Interview with Tasleem Mulhall, British-Yemeni Artist Living in the UK How does your background, growing up in Yemen and later coming to England, influence your artwork and perspective on freedom? Being...

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This is me speaking!
This is me speaking!

A story of a Kurdish Iraqi female artist empowering women through art. Interview with Tara Abdullah What is freedom? How do we preserve it? And how do we celebrate it? Freedom is to exist as a human being on this planet, with the ability to exercise your rights and...

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